Saturday, August 1, 2009

Starting the count down!

This week has flown by. But I guess that it is really no different than the rest of the summer. Looking at the calendar and trying to get prepared for our up coming events I realized that in 3 weeks the girls start school, I go back to work and Katelyn will start day care. Then we will have to figure out how to rebalance things.

Katelyn has had a big week. She is now sharing her beautiful smile with everyone. I haven't yet caught a good one with the camera, but when I do I will make sure to post it! She has been trying to talk to us as well! She has also been building up her neck strength following everyone around the room. She is so alert, just watching everything that goes on. It won't be long and she will be right down there in the middle of it. She is already trying to "stand up" when you hold her.

Kade has had a tough week. Well, maybe I should say he is giving everyone else a hard time. Terrible Two's? Pearson Stubbornness? I don't know who to give all the credit to but I can tell you that he wears me out. But on the other hand he is not always in that mood! Like earlier in the week he was playing with his "track phone"... you know the one that we got for Nana to fly home with from Georgia. When I called to activate it they told me that it would not work in Kansas. So I was a little frustrated with the phone company, since the phone wasn't going to do us any good. I decided to give it to Kade, since he loved cell phone. What could it hurt ... right?
Well, apparently the phone can get service in Kansas and we know this because Kade was playing with his phone when we heard someone talking to him on the other end... he had dialed so random number and it worked! Good thing it only came with 10 mins.

Hanna finished up her swimming lessons this week. She did a great job; she even jumped off the diving board and swam to the side on her own. She also went to a sleep over where they were camping out. But weather got in the way, so they weren't able to spend much time in the tent before moving inside.

Haleigh has been counting down the days until the pool party. She can't wait to show dad and grandma what she learned at her swimming lessons. She has also started talking about school. I think she has heard the bigger kids talking about school and she is trying to figure out what that means for her.

This week I have tried to cut back on my naps... you know so I can get ready to go back to the real world of work. :) Actually I have been spending most of my time trying to get Katelyn switched over to taking in most her meals by bottles and buliding up a back up supply of milk for when I go back to work. So its an endless cycle of feeding, pumping and washing everything up to starting all over again. But she is worth all of it, they all are!

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