Monday, August 17, 2009

It has been a fun week!

My new challenge is to get a photo of all four kids looking the same way
and its a bonus if they are smiling.

We started the week off last Sunday night with a heck of a wind storm that came out of no where. It was bad enough that it took out a sub station and pole...leaving is without power for several hours. The lights went out around 4:30 or so. After all the questions about why we could not watch T.V. or listen to music and why the light inside the refrigerator wasn't working we played outside until close to bedtime. It was about 83 or so outside and 80 inside. With no clue when power would be restored it was time for a long cool bath to help everyone cool down. Then dad brought a small generator up to the house so that we could keep Katelyn's milk supply good. It was also able to run 2 fans. So made a giant sleeping bag with comforters off the girls beds and we all slept in the were the fans kept the air moving. The power came back around midnight and so did the AC! By morning Hanna and Haleigh were telling me how cold the house was at 70!
Here is that big smile that I was telling you about!

Then on Tuesday Hanna and Haleigh went school shopping with mom and dad. We went to Wichita and got most of the needed things. I must say that I don't like the way Wal-mart did there back to school this year. Things are spread all over and I could not find half of the supplies they needed on their list including plain wooden pencils! So I need to stop by Target when we go to the final doctor appointments on Wed and finish things up. I don't understand why the 2 stores in this town don't get the supply list for the local school ahead of time to make sure they have all the items on there either!

Friday evening I took Hanna, Haleigh and Kade to the movies. It was the first movie that Kade had ever been to. We went to see G Force and it was in 3D. It was so cute to watch Kade with those big glasses on. He would get startled and jump back in his set as things were coming toward us and say things like "Oh gosh" or "mom!" He did not keep them on the whole time, but he did pretty well. On Friday, Kade also fell off a broom that he was trying to ride with Hanna and MaKenna and fell off hitting his forehead on the concrete leaving a huge black goose on his forehead!
On Saturday we celebrated Haleigh's 5th birthday. She had a "horse" birthday party. She said it was the best birthday ever, she usually says that every birthday but it still makes ya feel good. She was excited with all the things she got.
A nice loving moment between sister. Haleigh loved the horse jacket Hanna gave her!

Haleigh with horse cake. We made Frog cupcake for Blake, since they share a birthday.

Then we headed to church and had Katelyn baptized following that. She did pretty well through the whole thing even though she was hungry. She has been sleeping pretty well. She is up to 5- 7 hours at night. She is now smiling and cooing all the time. Kade and her have a special relationship. He can always get her to talking. He thinks she is pretty special as well, he has started calling her K K.

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