Friday, June 26, 2009

They started cutting wheat on the afternoon of Hanna's Birthday. So we had a small little party with Nana, Grandma and Aunt Lori. Hanna was pretty excited with all her gifts. With harvest in full swing we did not get to see dad a whole lot on Fathers Day, but here is a fun photo of dad and all the kiddos. The older three crashed Katelyn and dad's nap!

Katelyn went back to the doctor for her 2 week check up and she is now 7lbs 12oz and 20 inches long. She is really growing! She is has been getting up about every 3-4 hours at night, so that isn't too bad. She has been having more and more awake time, which all the kids like so they can "play"with her.
Haleigh got to play around on lots of different trucks today. She got to explore the ambulance, police car, bucket truck, fire trucks and a street cleaner!
She really liked the John Deere small tractor and the gator!

Haleigh has also been taking swimming lessons this week. She is doing so well. She is jumping off the side and going underwater. Here is a video of her swimming.

Hanna is still playing softball, she has two more games left. I can't way for it to be was so hot the last two games. Monday it was 100 degrees out!

Kade had fun this weekend playing in the little pool. He spent most of his time pouring water from one cup to another! But what ever keeps him happy and busy!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's been a week!

Hard to believe that Katelyn has been here a week already. Time is flying by. Things have been going great. She is a very good baby and everyone has been so helpful around the house. Kade loves to turn the bouncy car on and off for Katelyn and he is the first to let me know when she is upset. Hanna and Haleigh help with about everything one has volunteered for diaper duty, including dad!

Hanna has been busy playing T-ball on Mondays; she has playing 1st base. Hanna is very excited because tomorrow she turns 7! It is so hard to believe....she's seven going on seventeen!

Haleigh went to the dentist last week. We were told that her front teeth are loose and they will be falling out in the next few weeks. But the good news is that they were coming out before she had all those run ins last weekend. Her permanent teeth are right there and ready to come down.

Kade is doing so well being a big brother. He seems like he has really grown in the last week. I am sure it is because we someone to compare him to now, but he is really growing. He has been enjoying going on the "wee" with dad. The "wee" is anything with wheels, it could be the 4 wheeler, mower, golf cart... it doesn't matter to him as long as he is moving. He is going to love to ride in the combine the next week or so!

What a beautiful famliy!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Katelyn Ann Pearson has arrived!

Katelyn Ann made her arrival on June 10th at 7:13 pm.
She weighed 7lbs 5 oz and was 19 inches long.
She has dark hair and there is a lot of it in the back, well at least a lot for my kids!
She has the long and skinny hands and feet.
Her birth experience wasn't what we had planned for or even close to what we experienced the other 3 times, but at least everyone is healthy and doing well. In the end that is all that matters!
Hanna, Haleigh, and Kade all got to meet her for a short period of time last night. Grandma got some great photos of that, we will share later. They are all so excited for her to get home so they can really spend some time with her. By the time she was cleaned up last night and ready for visitors, it was getting close to bed time so they each held her briefly and then headed home.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Surviving the weekend!

We made it through the weekend! It was not an easy task this weekend! I had planned a nice quiet weekend of getting things picked up and ready for the baby's arrival...I should have known better. Saturday morning the kids decided to go outside a play, while I finished up the dishes. I noticed out the window they were playing on the slipper slide and having a lot of fun. So I decided to take the camera out and get some pictures. Well, I managed to get one picture before Hanna slid Kade down the slide and right into Haleigh's mouth. Haleigh came out of the deal bleeding from her two front teeth. I brought her in the house to check things over. Her teeth were loose and lots of blood. As I was trying to get it stopped, Hanna brought Kade in the house. He too was bleeding from his leg. He had blood running down his shin. Apparently he had tripped and fell on a spring of the trampoline, scrapping his leg and forehead! We got everyone mended by lunch. I had called and spoke to the dentist who thought that Haleigh's teeth should tighten back up and suggested that she not use them to eat for about a week.
After lunch, it was rest time....and I was ready for a rest. The girls don't usually sleep, but they know they have to be quiet and can't be up and running around during this time. Apparently, they thought that they could get away with some wrestling! Hanna came to get me to; she told me know that Haleigh was bleeding from her teeth again. I asked what had happened and she wasn't sure. After stopping the bleeding again, I asked what had happened. Haleigh thought it could have been when she hit Hanna's head with her mouth. I strongly suggested that they not be in touching distance of one another for the rest of the day! By now Haleigh's teeth are very loose!
So that evening we were all watching a movie and playing in the living room. Hanna was dancing around and swung her arm back not realizing where she was.... her forearm landed right across Haleigh's mouth. Again with all the blood coming from her poor teeth! While I got the ice pack, Kade started screaming! He had managed to put his play cell phone into the VCR player, getting his hand stuck in there with it. It was stuck in there well! He ended up tearing off a chunk of skin from the top of his finger before he was able to get free.
By bedtime Hanna was declaring herself the only kid that could get through the day without bleeding!
We seemed to get through Sunday without blood or injury! Haleigh's teeth are still loose, but they haven't fallen out ....yet! Kade spent the day showing everyone his "ouchies."
We did manage to get a few things on my list done and the rest I think can be accomplished before Wednesday morning. As you can see by the time I can't sleep all night, so I have been making list of things to do or get and trying to find quiet things to do. We have a busy next two I am sure that I will forget something.
Hanna has a t-ball game tonight. So if it goes like last week, we won't get home until 8:30 tonight. Then Tuesday the girls have dance and gymnastics, so we won't get home until about 7:00. Then Wednesday morning we will need to leave here about 5:00 am to head to the hospital.... I am starting to think that it's a good thing I know when the baby is coming... life is so busy...not sure how I would handle a surprise arrival :)

Check back after Wednesday and meet the newest member of our family!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Last Week as a Family of 5!

This week kicked off our summer activities.
Hanna had her first T-Ball game last night. It was supposed to occur on Monday, but we got some much needed rain Monday and she had a Wed. game!
The team did pretty well for their first game!
One Tuesday Haleigh started gymnastics class. She seemed to have a lot of fun. She is learning to do cartwheels and back rolls.
Hanna started her summer dance classes on Tuesday as well. There are only two in her class this summer, compared to the 10 she has through out the school year!
Mr. Kade has really been enjoying the outdoors! This past weekend he spent a lot of time playing in the water, while his sisters took on the sprinkler.
We are all ready and awaiting the baby's arrival! We will go in on June 10th for an induction. So this will be our last week as a family of 5! Everything is as ready as it is going to get at home, so now I am just trying to wrap things up at work.